Thursday, May 24, 2012

“Listen up - there's no war that will end all wars.” 
― Haruki Murakami

One thing I hate is war! I understand that we need to defend our country, but I feel as though was is very pointless and it doesn't really solve anything! If it was up to me I war wouldn't exist. I know people make their own choice to join the army and go into the war. I just don't understand why someone would even make that decision. Many soldiers who are out there fighting are risking for their lives for who knows what. I'm pretty sure there are ways to avoid the war. After war, many soldiers suffer from PTSD, which can drive them crazy and lead to suicide. Once a war is started it will never end! How does killing each other people solve the world's problem? 
“You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named "Bush", "Dick", and "Colin." Need I say more?” 
― Chris Rock

When I first read this quote I couldn't stop laughing. It's very stereotypical and a little ignorant but I found it funny. Chris Rock is a very funny guy and I enjoy listening to his jokes. I feel like some people will be offended by this quote but people should have a sense of humor, but of course not everyone is joyful like others.

“I've got nothing to do today but smile.” 
― Simon and Garfunkel

I could relate to this quote because I usually always have a smile on my face, or I'm laughing. I have a really goofy personality and I love it! I feel like there are a lot of miserable people in this world. People need to stop being so moody! I really hate to see people sad, or angry. People should have the right to be happy and smile all the time. Life's too short to not be smiling and being happy! I don't know why somebody wouldn't want to be so joyful!
“Why didn't I learn to treat everything like it was the last time. My greatest regret was how much I believed in the future.” 
― Jonathan Safran Foer

Nothing ever goes as planned! Whenever you plan or expect for something to go a certain way it always turns out to be the opposite. A lot of the times when you expect too much it leads to disappointments. For example, it's like when you plan to have a fun time at a party and you expect for it to be one of the greatest nights of your life and then it turns out to be what you didn't expect. You had your hopes up, and was disappointed in the end. I feel like I could relate to this quote, because it happens to me all the time! Exactly why I don't expect much!

“Tell the truth, or someone will tell it for you.” 
― Stephanie Klein

The truth will always come out, even if it's something you think will never come out. It's better to be truthful than to tell a big fat lie, because then when the truth does come put your going to be labeled as a liar. Even if you might feel like the right thing is to tell a lie, but usually when you lie, you have to tell another on top of that. Which will cause more stress on you, and end up getting caught up forgetting what lies you told. You'll eventually get caught and then there will be no trust, and without trust then there's nothing. That's just how I see things. No one likes someone who's not honest and doesn't like to tell the truth.

“Who are you to judge the life I live?
I know I'm not perfect
-and I don't live to be-
but before you start pointing fingers...
make sure your hands are clean!” 

I love this quote by Bob Marley! Nobody on this earth is perfect so no one should be judging somebody else's life. Personally, I don't judge no one because I don't know what that persons motives were and also I'm no better. A lot of people like to "point fingers" on others, when they have dirty hands. One thing I can't stand is hypocrites. People should stop worrying about others lifestyles and start focusing on what skeletons they have in their closets.
“I'm the one that's got to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life the way I want to.” 
― Jimi Hendrix

People should be able to live their life the way they want to without people judging them. But of course that will never happen people nowadays are very judgmental. I wish it wasn't like that though. I feel like some people are so worried about what others have to say that they limit what they want to do! No one should control your life. If it's your life you should live it the way you want it, and not caring what others think about you.

Just because you fail once, doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself, because if you don't, then who will, sweetie? So keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.” 
― Marilyn Monroe

I love all of Marilyn Monroe's quotes, this is one of my favorite. Many people think that once they fail, they'll fail at everything. I know I use to always feel like that until I realized that I could still achieve and many other things! Before I would never believe in myself and have no confidence! Now I keep nothing but positive thoughts in my mind because I don't let any negative things in my life. I always have a smile on my face and I definitely love my life.

“The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.” – Bill Copeland

Many people spend their life trying to figure what they want to do with themselves. I feel like people should always have goals for themselves even if they don't achieve it. It's better to have goals for yourself instead of being a lost cause and not knowing what your doing with your life. Setting goals for yourself is a helpful way to guide you throughout your lifetime. 

These days keep going by too fast, so give anything that make things go slow.


I feel like everyday does go by too fast. Day by day it may seem like everything's going by so slow, but then when you look back you think to yourself like "wow, where did this week go?" That is exactly how I felt like senior year. I couldn't wait until I was done and I felt like everyday was going by so slowww. Then after awhile everything was coming too fast and I wished the days could slow down! Deadlines had to be meant and I felt like I was running out of time. Now this school year is officially done and I'm finally graduating and I'm going to college. If I could do anything to make time move slower, I think I will.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” 
― Nelson Mandela

Education is the key to success! As much as I don't enjoy school I will not ever give up on school. I see it as, that if I don't get an education, I wont get a good job. Then in the future I won't be able to support myself financially. Especially with the economy you need an education. I know I'm going to get a good education and become a successful person like I always wanted too. I feel like some teenagers need to take their education more serious. I know a lot of students who fool around in school or who have dropped out. I just hope they clean up their act and get it together.
“Change will not come if we wait for some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” 
― Barack Obama

This quote is very true! Many people are always concern about changing the world but won't change if themselves. People think that just because they complain about it, out of nowhere the world is going to change on its own! If you really want the change, you'll do it yourself. Those who want the change will be the first one to complain but the last ones to help! If you really want something done you'll do it!
All music is beautiful. 
Billy Strayhorn 

One thing I love doing is listening to music. Music relaxes me and I concentrate more when I'm listening to it. Somehow Music motivates me. Sometimes my mood relates to the type of music I'm listening to. Music is a beautiful thing and I wouldn't know what I'll do without it. I feel like music will can be a perfect way to express the mood your in. Usually when I listen to music I zone out and just daze off and let my mind wander on it's own.

Sulley: Boo?
Boo: Kitty!
Monster Inc is one of my favorite movies from disney channel! My favorite character was Boo. She was so adorable and funny. She's like a little running machine that never stops. She was a typical little girl that liked to wander around and play. Overall, the movie was funny and cute. The story was good, because you would never expect for monsters that are suppose to scare little kids will help an innocent little girl.
It: I'm every nightmare you've ever had. I'm your worst dream come true. I'm everything you ever were afraid of.

When I was younger I was always afraid of clowns ever since I watched the movie "It." In the movie there was a clown that liked to kill young children, and if he didn't kill them when they were younger, he would find them when their older and still kill them. Now as I'm older I don't really find clowns scary but when I was younger I could never sleep because I thought a clown was under my bed. "It" was really my every nightmare! Now that I think about it I find it very funny. I will pull the covers over my head, and I wouldn't move not one inch of my body and just hoping that I will fall asleep. I was scared of everything when I was younger, but clowns is what had me scared the most.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

“In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.” 
― Robert Frost
One thing people need to realize is that they shouldn't stress things that go wrong in their life. Just because things aren't going the way they want it too doesn't mean its the end of the world. Life goes on and hings don't always go as planned and people need to accept that. I chose this quote because people hold on to things for so long. Life is too short and grudges are a waste of time. Learn from your mistakes and keep pushing forward.

People should always be themselves, instead of acting like someone their not. I hate when people do things to
"fit in," I feel like that's the dumbest thing to do. If you just be yourself, people will like you for who you are and not somebody you pretend to be. Even if people don't end up liking you, it shouldn't matter to you, especially if they have no reason to have hard feelings towards you. There will always be that one person that doesn't like you just because. You shouldn't live your life trying to please others. Your happiness should always come first. I picked this quote because I feel like some people are so worried about what others think about them and then it causes for that person to try to be someone their not which will just make them look like a fool. If your a real person and you be yourself, people will respect and like you for that. 
Failure is success if we learn from it.
Malcolm Forbes
Everybody's afraid of failure, but I believe if you don't take any risks then you'll never know if you can succeed in something. Not trying is doing nothing at all which is worst than failing. People should have confidence in themselves, and take any challenges that is thrown at them. Even if at the end of the day they don't succeed, they should at least know they weren't scared and they tried their hardest. Practice makes perfect! Failure is just a lesson learned that shows what you could do better next time. Also if you don't take the risk then you'll never if you can defeat that challenge! 

Monday, May 21, 2012

“Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.”
Bernard M. Baruch
This quote is very true. People who don't know you are most likely to judge you than somebody you knew your whole life. People can be very judgemental and everything you do is wrong, in their eyes. Usually people don't pay attention to others who judge a lot. Therefore, people who are so judgemental don't matter in your life.
"Rose: [letting go of Jack's hand] I'll never let go, Jack. I promise.
[she kisses his hand and watches him sink, almost falling apart before she finally climbs back into the water to call the lifeboat back]" I picked this quote from the movie, because this is where she lets go of Jack because he froze to death. This is an emotional part of the movie because this is Roses' true love but she had to let go of him because he was dead and she wanted to survive. Also during this scene the song, "My Heart Will Go On," went perfect with it. I feel like the song shows how Rose felt about Jack. Titanic is my favorite movie because there was so much different stories going on but somehow they all related with eachother. The director turned a disaster into a love story.