Thursday, May 24, 2012

It: I'm every nightmare you've ever had. I'm your worst dream come true. I'm everything you ever were afraid of.

When I was younger I was always afraid of clowns ever since I watched the movie "It." In the movie there was a clown that liked to kill young children, and if he didn't kill them when they were younger, he would find them when their older and still kill them. Now as I'm older I don't really find clowns scary but when I was younger I could never sleep because I thought a clown was under my bed. "It" was really my every nightmare! Now that I think about it I find it very funny. I will pull the covers over my head, and I wouldn't move not one inch of my body and just hoping that I will fall asleep. I was scared of everything when I was younger, but clowns is what had me scared the most.


  1. I hated that movie!!! "It" was the movie that made me afraid of clowns. I was scared of every little thing because this movie. I would be afraid to go near the sewer drains because I thought he was going to grab me. But even today I'm still afraid of clowns. -_-

  2. Ah! I used to be really afraid too after seeing this movie! I hate clowns, yet have a sick fascination for them... IDK before I never used to understand those freaks who liked clowns.......Until I became one! "Beep Beep Johnny! Beep Beep!... We all float down here!"
